ml5.js: Train a Neural Network with Pixels as Input
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This tutorial builds on ml5.neuralNetwork() videos examining raw pixels as inputs to a neural network. This sets the stage for a discussion on convolutional neural networks.
ml5 page with documentation and supporting material.
In this video, I use the "pre-trained" MobileNet model to classify the content of an image.
This video looks at how to access the pixels of an HTML5 canvas in p5.js. Code.
I train an image classifier and import the machine learning model into a p5.js sketch with the ml5.js library.
This tutorial builds on the previous video combining PoseNet and ml5.neuralNetwork(). Once again, the output of the pre-trained model (the "pose" itself) is the input to an ml5.js neural network. However, this time the final output is a regression (3 continuous values) instead of classification.