ml5.js: Pose Estimation with PoseNet
VThis tutorial combines PoseNet and ml5.neuralNetwork(). I use the output of the pre-trained model (the "pose" itself) as the inputs to an ml5.js neural network classifier.
In this video I cover pose estimation: finding the keypoints of person's pose and skeleton using the pre-trained machine learning model PoseNet (in JavaScript with p5.js and ml5.js).
In this video I cover how to train a neural network to perform a "regression" task (rather than classification).
This video covers how to train a neural network machine learning model with real-time interactive data in ml5.js
In this video, I train an image classifier and import the machine learning model into a p5.js sketch with the ml5.js library.
This video covers the setTimeout() function in JavaScript in the context of p5.js. setTimeout() allows you to execute a given function at a specific time (in milliseconds.)