AppleSoft BASIC 3D Cube
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3D Rotating CubeAppleSoft BASIC code for 3D ortho cube. 3D Rotating Cube - PerspectiveAppleSoft BASIC code for 3D perspective projection cube. Double buffered animationAppleSoft BASIC code demonstrating double buffered animation Mandelbrot SetFive color 280x192 pixel render of mandelbrot fractal in AppleSoft BASIC
Take a trip back in time and watch me attempt to build a 3D graphics engine in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can I render a spinning cube?
Floppy Emu is a floppy and hard disk emulator for classic Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa computers.
Watch this video on Nebula ad-free!
Class covering the fundamentals of programming on an Apple II computer!
Theme song by Will from America!
1984 Apple II reference poster from Beagle Bros Micro Software
Coding Together with Apple ii track
Tutorial from The Nature of Code on Polar Coordinates and Trigonometry.
Rotating a 3D cube using Processing's 2D renderer and matrix transformations.
AppleSoft Enhancement Utility by Mark Simonsen
PDF of original AppleSoft Tutorial from Apple Computer.
PDF of original Apple II manual and reference for AppleSoft BASIC.
Code Editor and JavaScript interpreter for AppleSoft BASIC.
Browser based Apple II emulator in JavaScript
Downloadable Apple II Emulator for Windows, macOS / OSX and Linux