Featured Challenge: #175 — AppleSoft BASIC 3D Cube
Take a trip back in time and watch me attempt to build a 3D graphics engine in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can I render a spinning cube?
In yet another “Pi Day” coding challenge, I attempt to generate a pdf “Book of Pi” with the first 10 million digits of Pi mapped to color. Processing (Java) is used for this project.
In this two part challenge, I cover beginShape(), endShape(), and texture(), TRIANGLE_STRIP, QUAD_STRIP, and more. I combine these geometry functions with the Toxiclibs physics library to simulate a waving flag (with a unikitty image texture!)
In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a "Fractal Spirograph" with Processing (Java). The visuals are inspired by images and explanation on C. J. Chen’s blog.
In this coding challenge, I simulate a "random walk" with vectors in p5.js, varying the distance of each step size. This is known as a "Lévy Flight" (named after french mathematician Paul Lévy.)
In this coding challenge, I use a collection of Obama Administration’s facebook images to create a “photo mosaic” of President Obama with Processing (Java).
In this coding challenge, I implement “Pixel Sorting” in Processing (Java). Using a “selection sort” algorithm, I sort the pixels of an image by brightness and hue.