#53 — Random Walker with Vectors and Lévy Flight
In this coding challenge, I simulate a "random walk" with vectors in p5.js, varying the distance of each step size. This is known as a "Lévy Flight" (named after french mathematician Paul Lévy.)
The p5.js Reference page for the createVector function.
The p5.js Reference page for the p5.Vector class.
This class focuses on the programming strategies and techniques behind computer simulations of natural systems.
Syllabus for Part 1 of Nature of Code: "Physics and Animation" at ITP Spring 2017
These video lessons accompany Chapter 1 (Vectors) from The Nature of Code book.
In this Coding Challenge, I implement a Random Walker using the p5.js library.
Live Stream with Processing, p5.js and more Random Walks
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund