#69 — Evolutionary Steering Behaviors
In this multi-part coding challenge, I create a system where autonomous steering agents evolve the behavior of eating food and avoiding poison.
Starting code with seek behavior for this challenge.
Syllabus for Part 2 of Nature of Code: “Intelligence and Learning” at ITP Spring 2017
My Nature of Code book.
Craig Reynold's paper on steering behanviors.
These video lessons accompany Chapter 9 (Genetic Algorithms) from The Nature of Code book.
In this video, I discuss the concept of an autonomous agent.
This video looks at how an object can store a history of positions.
This video looks at how to delete objects from an array selectively.
This series of videos focuses on Evolutionary Computing.
Session 2 of Intelligence and Learning
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund