#68 — Breadth-First Search
In this two part challenge, I implement the Breadth-First Search algorithm in JavaScript. My demo application is "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" (finding the closest relationship between Kevin Bacon and another actor).
Syllabus for Part 2 of Nature of Code: "Intelligence and Learning" at ITP Spring 2017
Repository for The Nature of Code book with p5.js
Website to determine the "degrees of bacon"
Wikipedia page with background and references on the breadth-first search algorithm.
An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people.
In this video, I discuss the concept of "associative arrays" in JavaScript.
In this video, I examine the concept of "Prototype" in the JavaScript programming language.
Session 1 of “Intelligence and Learning and breadth-first-search
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund