#130 — Drawing with Fourier Transform and Epicycles
Fourier TransformThis sketch uses a Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm to draw the Coding Train logo. Fourier Transform - user-drawn pathThis sketch renders a mouse-drawn path using a Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm. Fourier Transform - complex numbersThis sketch renders a path using a DFT algorithm with complex numbers. Fourier Transform - user-drawn path with complex numbersThis sketch renders a mouse-drawn path using a DFT algorithm with complex numbers.
In this coding challenge, I implement the Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm in JavaScript and render a drawing using epicycles derived from the transform.
Tom Fevrier Tweet with Coding Train logo
p5.js documentation about the Fast Fourier Treansform algorithm.
Article about the Fourier Transform.
Wikipedia page with information and resources about the Discrete Fourier Transform.
Wikipedia page with information and resources about complex numbers.
3Blue1Brown video about Fourier series.
GoldPlatedGoof video about Foureir analysis.
Mathologer video about epicycles and complex Fourier series.
Live Stream with Drawing with Fourier Transform
Live Stream: Finish Up Fourier + ml5 KNN
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund