Featured Challenge: #175 — AppleSoft BASIC 3D Cube
Take a trip back in time and watch me attempt to build a 3D graphics engine in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can I render a spinning cube?
In this coding challenge, I explore the generative algorithm "Diffusion-Limited Aggregation". The pattern is generated from random walkers clustering around a seed (or set of seed) point(s).
In this coding challenge, I continue one of my favorite subjects: Algorithmic botany! This video covers the subject of Phyllotaxis, what it is and how it can be used to generate sunflower-like patterns inspired by nature.
In this 4th of July themed coding challenge, I build an HTML5 canvas fireworks simulation from scratch using the p5.js JavaScript library. I also show how to use Processing to create 3D Fireworks.
In this coding challenge, I’m going to use superformulas to create a superellipse in p5.js. This is part 1 of a multi-part series on superformulas, superellipses and supershapes.
More algorithmic botany! Another way to generate a fractal tree is to consider every part of the tree an object, so that we can apply forces and attributes to all the branches and leaves and more!
In this third installment of my series on algorithmic botany, I discuss L-systems and how they can be used to generate trees and other fractal patterns in p5.js.
Choo choo! In this multi-part coding challenge, I create a maze generator using a depth-first search algorithm with recursive backtracking. The idea is to walk through a grid of cells, removing walls as we go to build a maze.