
Featured Challenge:
#175 — AppleSoft BASIC 3D Cube

Take a trip back in time and watch me attempt to build a 3D graphics engine in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! Can I render a spinning cube?

nov 12, 2022

AppleSoft BASIC 3D Cube

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generative art

Straight out of quantum mechanics, Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural generation of images. In this video (recorded over 3 live streams) I attempt the tiled model and explore a variety of solutions to the algorithm in JavaScript with p5.js.

Wave Function Collapse

In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a version of the classic one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program in JavaScript using p5.js. This coding challenge is inspired by the book 10 PRINT.


In this coding challenge, I attempt to program a clock in HTML5 canvas with the p5.js library.


In this coding challenge, I continue one of my favorite subjects: Algorithmic botany! This video covers the subject of Phyllotaxis, what it is and how it can be used to generate sunflower-like patterns inspired by nature.


More algorithmic botany! Another way to generate a fractal tree is to consider every part of the tree an object, so that we can apply forces and attributes to all the branches and leaves and more!

Object-Oriented Fractal Trees

In this coding challenge, I'm building on top of the Space Colonization video and creating a 3D Fractal Tree, using the same algorithm, in Processing.

3D Fractal Trees

In this coding challenge, I'm using the space colonization algorithm to make a tree generator. This is the 4th part of my algorithmic botany series.

Space Colonization

In this coding challenge, I'm implement fractal trees with recursion in p5.js. This is the first part of a series on algorithmic botany.

Recursive Fractal Trees